Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on November 13, 2008
"Has anyone been following what's happening about Prop 8 in California? I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also known as the Mormons or LDS. {NOT to be confused with the FLDS. You have NO IDEA how many times someone has asked me how many moms I have. :P} Our church is being targeted by people against Prop 8 {seriously, get over it. The people voted. You lose. Move on!} People have picketed our temples, which is pretty messed up no matter how you look at it. I'm just a little bit mad about the lies that have been circulated about our church and beliefs, so this poem just kind of came out. "
Steadfast and Immovable
Hope flies on wings of white,twisting and floating through open space.
A dome of light that has been a beacon to all
flutters out and dies in the fierce, wild wind of fragile winter.
Soft winds against red cheeks.
Red and gold leaves scatter through a whispering, taunting wind.
Blinding white landscapes, the first signs of a cold winter,
bring men with black hands and no regret.
Where will we go when all our doors are closed,
slammed in our surprised faces,
and there is no home to rest our weary hearts?
He will lock those doors and never let us free.
Why won't they just see?
Twisted laughter riding the wind
is rarely heard by those whose ears are closed
between clenched and bleeding hands.
They know who he is,
but they choose to ignore the obvious signs
and terrible words he spouts from his lying lips.
I hope.
I dream.
That is why they won't speak to my face.
They know what I'll say.
They know what I'll do
just to see them fall and never get up.
I tell the truth from my mouth and laugh when they lie
because I know, even if I die a martyr,
that they'll regret and I'll still be laughing when I see them fall.
Their false pretenses aren't hurtful to me.
I know myself too well to fall for them.
I know what I believe and what I don't
and what they say will never change that.
Their lies fall on deaf ears.
Their hate courses through their hearts,
burning and festering in them, not in me.
They'll never hurt me.
I'll still stand tall in my truth,
no matter what they say to try to hurt me and those I love.
I'll still believe no matter how much they hate.
I'll still stand here, steadfast and immovable
in my faith and in my truth until that Last Day,
when they'll all see and they'll regret.
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