Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
They act as if these tears she shedsare some horror from the unknown.
They try to stop them,
offering help and answers to questions she hasn't asked.
The drops that fall like rain down her cheeks
are horrible to them,
but to her they feel like a breath of heaven.
She hides her face so they won't try to comfort,
knowing full well that she isn't silent.
She sees their concerned faces with a flash of annoyance.
This is how she comforts herself.
The salty wet doesn't mean she has a broken heart,
or a twisted and terrifying mind;
it simply means she needs a break
from the horror surrounding her.
She only needs them to see
that she knows too much, and sees too much.
She wants them to know
that she only sheds these tears
to stop the sharp hammering of her heart
and the deep, heavy breaths.
They ask her why the tears run
and she makes up another excuse to assure them,
but in her heart she knows;
she knows why the rain falls only on her head,
and the clouds are gray when she walks in.
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