Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
To Whom It May Concern
Too hoom it may konsern,i was just wondiryng if i culd take somthing that my mommy and daddy bout. they told me it was four me, but i dont like it. i kep teling them, and ascing them were they got it so i kan take it back, but they just laf at me!
i wood like a nother one. they are vary cuut, but this one seems detective. its a noying. its vary loud and keeps me up all nite. it doesnt even have to come to skool with me. i cant pik it up and huld it and play with it, no one will let me. they tell me that it is two frajel. wat ever that meens. everyone is starring and gigling at the new toy like its somthing spesal, well its not. it cant even talk!
my parents sad that this new toy wood be fun to play with in a capple of manths, but its not fun now. So, too hoom it may konsern, culd you pleese send me a new little bruther?
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