Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on November 2, 2008
"Have you ever tried looking through someone elses' eyes? Have you tried to feel what they feel, see what they see? Haven't you ever wondered, "Why does she do that?" "
She can feel their stares as she walks down the hall to class.The bruises on her arms are hidden by the long sleeves of a black hoodie.
She doesn't know why she bothers to come to this cold, dark place.
It is useless to try to get the teachers to listen;
they think they already know her,
even though they've never tried to get to know the real her,
or even listen to her cracked words and see her shining tears.
Her actions are edgy and excited, and she can barely keep still
as she tries to remember what she did the night before.
Her hands shake and her knees won't hold still
no matter how hard she presses against them,
creating small cuts with her fingernails.
Everything she touches turns to ash between her hands
and no matter how hard she tries
she can never do anything right.
She doesn't want her sister to be like her,
and that is what she prays for every night;
that, only that, and nothing more.
She doesn't deserve a God.
She is the girl you see in the halls every day,
and yet you never look twice.
She seems like she has everything under control,
like she likes the edgy life she lives,
but you know the truth.
Her face reveals all, if only you'd look long enough to see
that she is human and makes mistakes.
She wonders what compels her to these great extremes,
but every time she tries to do better,
it all washes down the drain,
and she wonders why she tried in the first place.
She's a fighter, and never backs down,
but she allows him to hurt her,
and she doesn't even know why.
She wants to do one thing good, even if it is only one thing.
She wants to make her life count.
She doesn't want to fall again.
She is the girl you see every day, and yet you never think twice
about the broken heart and soul that she hides behind a scowl.
If you would only try you would see who she truly is,
that she is not the monster they paint her to be,
you would see how much she needs you
and how much she wants the truth.
She doesn't need more lies;
she gets enough of those from them,
the people who think they know.
They sit on their leather couches and click their pencils,
humming in agreement to the nonsense she spouts,
but she sees straight through them, and always will.
They tell you not to waste your time,
but if you must know, it wouldn't be wasted;
for she would see you and know that at least you tried.
Tell her she's broken, for she needs to hear it.
Fix her, as you know you can.
She sees you, even if you don't see her.
She sees, notices, everything,
no matter how hard she tries to push it from her brain.
They say that you have promise, and she will never be anything,
but their words are flower-encrusted lies,
filling your ears and never leaving.
Why can't they see?
Why won't they see?
I know they gave up long ago...
Will you stay with me?
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