Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on May 23, 2009
"I know it's the subject of a lot of poems but... :D
My niece Sadie was born when I was eleven and Taylor when I was twelve. I have been with them, watched them, since then. They're more like my sisters than my nieces. Lately, I haven't seen much of them. Sadie is going to be starting Kindergarten and it just is a big change. So that's really what inspired this poem. :D"
My niece Sadie was born when I was eleven and Taylor when I was twelve. I have been with them, watched them, since then. They're more like my sisters than my nieces. Lately, I haven't seen much of them. Sadie is going to be starting Kindergarten and it just is a big change. So that's really what inspired this poem. :D"
The dawn of youth fades as swiftly as a rose,one minute fully bloomed,
the next shriveled and gone like dust in the wind.
Its petals drift and die,
leaving their mark only as bright splashes of color in memory.
The memories soon fade, dark and decrepit,
as all things inevitably do, as another takes its place.
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