Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Hannah on May 4, 2010
"It's been a while................................... :D"
Something whispering, hissing in the dark.Sounds strange and melodic,
terrifying and yet new and exciting.
A secret,
unheard and completely unneeded,
twisting its way
into scarred and bleeding ears.
So alone, so sad, so pathetic,
trying to be so normal, boring,
and yet...
And yet still twisted and wrong,
fragile and stale,
trying to be something else...
And failing.
Laughter, loud and clear,
calling names and dates into dark abysses
and bright, silver moonlight,
a beacon in an ever-fading world.
Where is this hope, this joy, this love?
Where is the end of trials?
When will we see the reason for the pain?
The silence?
When will we feel love, joy, hope, Grace?
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