Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Second Chance
One day, you’ll remember.You’ll remember the life you led,
the life you fought for,
the one you wanted, grieved for, died for.
One day, you’ll look back and know us,
those who have loved first, and last,
and always.
Some day, you’ll know what it is to feel,
but not today.
Today, you must live.
You must love, hate, learn, yearn.
You must do what you fought to do.
You gave up that life for the freedom of this,
this dark cold, this hated breath.
So pick up the pieces,
start your life again.
Do the things you’ve never done before.
The world’s waiting in the palm of your hand.
Grip it before it’s too late.
We’re waiting for you.
We who stand in shadow and light,
the mixture and contours of both,
those that have come before you
to dance in the moonlight
and sing in the sunlight.
The stars wait to share your light.
A breathing entity is always better
than that dead thing you will be
if you would lose.
But we stand, together as one, and yet separate;
Contrasts of such opposites, as to oppose even the barest senses.
But we are here to help, here to love you,
to find you,
to teach you to endure, because we know.
We know what it is to be where you are,
to stand where you stand,
to know what you know.
Because we feel, like you can’t yet.
It will only take time, and effort, and the last breath in your body,
but someday, you will be us,
the one and only,
the multitudes with shining light, and darkest dark.
Someday you will feel like we do.
But for now, you must live your life.
Live to be us.
Live to become us someday.
Live to serve,
to give,
to receive,
and most of all, live to love.
So pick up the pieces,
start your life again.
Do the things you’ve never done before.
The world’s waiting in the palm of your hand.
Grip it before it’s too late.
We’re waiting for you.
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