Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on May 17, 2009
"Some of these things actually happened to me and my dad, well, only the one about antiques, the restaurant manager, and the weird door. The rest I just made up."
A Series of Puns: Father daughter day
After dropping his daughter off at school, a man smoking a cigarette was driving in his car with the window down when he accidently lit his arm on fire. He was pulled over by a police officer who cited him for reckless use of a fire arm.Meanwhile, the man’s daughter, a catholic high school student, was arguing her way out of a dress code violation by citing the second amendment’s constitutional right to bare arms. She also pointed out that the nun didn’t exactly follow all the rules herself. When asked about her smoking, the nun replied that she was trying to give up the habit.
When the man with the fire arm picked his spaghetti strap wearing daughter up from school they went out to eat at a lovely little Mexican pizza place. A sign at the counter said that “the restaurant manager’s name is Helen Wait; if you have any complaints you can go to Helen Wait”. On their way home they passed by a little shop downtown with a sign advertising “Antiques: new and used”. They decided not to go in because the front door was labeled “do not enter: this is not an exit” and they decided that it must be a window instead.
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