Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on March 26, 2009
"This took me about ten minutes to write."
Dear Lord
Dear Lord,Hey God how’s it going? I’m not doing all that good.
Perhaps you haven’t noticed since it all looks like it should.
But appearances are deceiving there’s more to see than meets the eye.
Though my life looks rather sprightly I don’t feel all that spry.
I should be glad I should be happy like the other people are.
I’ve got a good job and a good home and I’ve even got a car.
I’ve got friends who care about me and my family loves me too.
Lord, if everything’s so wonderful why do I feel so blue?
It’s like nothing I do matters and it doesn’t mean a thing
And I’ve started thinking lately “Maybe there’s more my life could bring.”
But I think I know the reason why my mood is such a mess.
Seems I’ve been a bit pretentious, started talking to you less and less.
I haven’t let you in my life as often as I could.
And I’ve kind of been ignoring you instead of thanking you like I should.
Lord I let myself get blinded until I even stopped to see
How much you care about me and all that you’ve done for me.
It’s hard for me to believe that anyone could care so much.
But then I think of all the times you’ve saved me from the devil’s clutch
And all the times you could have let this lowly small life end
Like when I almost hit a dear or crashed into a car’s rear end.
Did you really send your son to earth to take away my sin?
Did you really let him die so that I could begin again?
What made you do a thing like that for common little me?
I really don’t deserve it, it really shouldn’t be.
And look at how I’ve thanked you when you’ve given me so much,
I’ve been ignoring you completely when I should have tried to get in touch.
It is any wonder that I feel so down and out?
Instead of trusting you to lead me all I have done is doubt.
But now I see where I’ve gone wrong, where I’ve been led astray,
And there’s nothing left for me to do but bear my soul and pray.
Dear Lord,
please forgive me, for my life of sin.
Thanks for you son for dying so I may begin again.
Lord please help protect me when I stray far from the light.
Help me Lord to listen so I’ll always know what’s right.
Lord keep me far from evil let it never cross my path
Let me nevermore be tempted so I’ll never feel your wrath.
Lord keep your hand upon me so I’ll never feel alone
And lend me strength to keep my faith as solid as a stone.
And when it comes to others let me treat them like you do.
Let me love them, teach them, lead them and help them to know you.
And Lord lend me some compassion for my fellow man
And help me to forgive in them all that you think I can.
And Lord please bless me greatly, and everyone I know
So as you shower us with gifts our faith in you will grow.
Lord it seems to me that I’m asking of you quite a lot,
Especially considering all I’ve already got.
But I’m going to ask it anyway; I’ll say it once again,
Lord forgive, lead, keep, and bless me, in Jesus’ name Amen.
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