Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on April 30, 2009
"This post is a Grab Bag which uses the following words: obituary, cholera, Good Friday, slaying"
It was nine in the morning when Gerald picked up the obituary page and saw his name. It said that Gerald had died of cholera but he knew that it wasn't true. Nobody died of cholera anymore. Besides, how could he be dead if he was sitting in the kitchen reading his own obituary? Not that anyone would have been around to notice, it was Good Friday and all Gerald's family had gone to a church service of some sort. He supposed he couldn't complain though, dying of cholera was probably better than being the victim of a vicious slaying. He just couldn't figure out how it had happened without him noticing. How could a person be dead and not know it? Perhaps the better question is how could someone be wide awake and still dreaming?More writing by this author
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