Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on April 6, 2009
"Not sure if it's a recipe but it was almost a disaster."
The Hobo Steak Song
Once two starving hobos, out living in the woodsCame across two juicy steaks and hid them in their hoods
Then took them back into their camp to cook over the fire
Their appetites grew wetter as the flames and sparks flew higher
One hobo overeager reached and knocked one in the dirt
Then swiftly sought to rescue it and hope it wasn’t hurt
Back on the grill it went, the flames were hot the steak was saved
The hobos were entranced and to the smell of steak enslaved
They would whimper in their hunger as the drifting smoke came near
Were they done? They checked and NO! And for a moment there was fear
Would they ever get the steaks cooked? Would they ever get to eat?
The hobos licked their lips and stared forlornly at their feet
At last one hobo reached and tentatively poked one with his fork
“It’s done” he cried excitedly, and “no more beans and pork!”
The hobos dug in greedily and ate into the night
No longer were they starving, a happy end to their sad plight
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