Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on March 24, 2009
"I was going to put this in the mythological creature promt but decided against it, beside I already submitted something there."
The Monster
The Monster is a terrible beast with claws and teeth and slitted eyesIt stalks the night and wakes the dog, yowling to the skies
It likes to hide beneath the bed, in dark and gloomy shadow
It has a natural camouflage, a shadow among shadows
It slithers between chair legs, refusing to be caught
But when you cease to search for it, it climbs into your cot
And twines itself about your feet so that you cannot flee
It stares at you slitted eyes and rumbles ominously
Its claws begin to prick at you; it nibbles on your toes
You scream and kick; it looks at you and stays as if it knows
You wouldn’t hurt a kitten, and continues raining blows
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