Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Hannah and her family
by wordsmithIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Hannah and her family

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on December 2, 2009
"The true story of my great, great grandpa Valentine Karki, as learned from my father who learned it from great uncle Bill Karki who was Valentine's son. We have an old black and white picture of Valentine posing on horseback in his calvary uniform with a rifle. He really did ride with Teddy Roosevelt and he really did steal both a wife and horse from a judge."
The Story of Valentine Karki
My great grandpa Val Karki, plus one more great than that,a Finn boy from Minnestoa who lived near a mining camp,
a tall and handsome young man, could make the ladies swoon
and hardly had to buy a drink when he went to the saloon.
One day he met a girl there, a pretty little thing
and I guess he didn't notice that pretty little ring.
It might not have even mattered but she was the Judge's wife
and when the Judge found out he swore that he would have Val's life
The Judge he was a powerful man, the law was on his side,
The only thing for Val to do was steal a horse and ride.
Of course it was the Judge's horse, the fastest one in town,
which came in mighty handy for covering lots of ground.
He rode all the way to Tocson, where he joined the calvary
and he became a rough rider who rode with 'ol Teddy.
But he never got to San Juan Hill, he drew the short straw you see,
and got stuck watching the horses, a prestigious job in the calvary.
It came with lots of benefits, like not getting all shot up,
although with all those horses there was a lot to be cleaned up.
When the war was finally over Val decided to go home.
Turns out that judge had moved away and it was safe to roam.
So back to Minnesota and the Northwoods way of life,
which was a lot less stressful without the Judge's wife.
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