Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Fairies, sprites, and wee folk
by wordsmithIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Fairies, sprites, and wee folk

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on November 12, 2009
"Because I didn't have one with Leprechauns"
The Tale of Flynn and Lynn
Now Flynn and Lynn were leprechauns who came from Ireland’s shoresAcross the great blue waters to a place they’d not seen before
Now you might think it odd and strange for creatures so fond of green
To travel to the desert and its sandy lifeless scene
But it happened just by accident according to a wish
When Flynn and Lynn were captured by a sly and cunning witch
Now witches have their magic, and their own spells it is true
But this witch was no alchemist which made her rather blue
And so to get a pot of gold she laid a cunning trap
Involving string, a box, a stick, and a whiskey filled jar cap
It wasn’t long before the whiskey lured those two fools in
The box came down, the leprechauns were soundly trapped within
The witch came out and said “ha, ha! Now you owe me one wish!”
And Flynn and Lynn replied “All right, jus’ let us out ye witch.”
“Sure” said the witch “but first ye must be grantin me my wish,
For two great big old pots of gold, enough to fill a ditch.”
And up beside the roadside there appeared a ditch of gold
But after that was desert sand, “What’s this!” the witch did scold,
“you wished for gold,” said little Flynn, “and here it is for ye”
“but you didn’t say bring it to you so to it we have brought ye”
“but that’s not fair” replied the witch, “I caught ye fair and square,”
“Ah, but that’s the thing,” said Lynn “life isn’t always fair.”
“we’ll take ye back to Ireland, if you simply let us out.”
The witch agreed, removed the box and blinked and looked about,
For she was back in Ireland beside that same old road,
And Flynn and Lynn were vanished, and so was the ditch of gold.
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