Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Fairies, sprites, and wee folk
by wordsmithIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Fairies, sprites, and wee folk
The Tale of Hannah and Anna
Now, Hannah and Anna were fairieswho lived in a forrested glade
and one day they were having a picknick
'neath a Rowan tree and its fine shade
When sudden the grass began stirring
and riding the wind came a howl
and their picknick was certainly ruined
by a feeling of something most foul
Then out of the forrest a wolf came
A slavering fierce looking beast
with eyes glowing red and sharp teeth that brought dread
as he surveyed the glen for a feast
Now, Hannah and Anna were frightened
too late, there was no place to hide
but they bravely put forth smiling faces
if nothing else they'd die with pride
But the wolf wasn't slavering or beastly
and his eyes were just red from his tears
"I've a thorn in my foot can you help me?"
his words banished the fairies' fears
So, Hannah and Anna they helped him
and pulled out the thorn from his foot
And then they all three, sat down to have tea
While the wolf held his cup with his foot
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