Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Fairies, sprites, and wee folk
by wordsmithIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Fairies, sprites, and wee folk

The following is a piece of writing submitted by wordsmith on March 24, 2009
"Inspired by the same weather as "The Weather Today"."
The Tale of Tink and Link
Tink and Link were weather sprites for dank and gloomy days,They weren’t exactly popular as most folks hate those days.
When it was cold and rainy out, Tink would gather up the damp,
And Link would make a fog with it, obscuring all car lamps.
As drivers cursed the looming fog, Tink and Link would roust the toads
And send them out to occupy the sidewalks and the roads.
They also called up hordes of worms that slithered slimy slick
All over as folks avoided them with a lilting kind of skip.
Not to mention all the mud and cold that seemed to creep up from folks’ shoes,
It wasn’t there by accident, Tink and Link they caused those blues.
Yet Tink and Link weren’t happy as they caused this dreary mess,
Folks may not like this weather but Tink and Link they liked it less.
Instead of grey and ghastly days they longed for summer’s sun,
If it was harder work than this, at least it would be fun.
But there wasn’t much that they could do; no one else would take their place!
It seemed their job was avoided like the plague by the whole fairy race.
“What if we asked a goblin to do it instead” said Tink,
“Nah, that’s a dumb idea, let’s ask a gnome” said Link.
They thought they saw a gnome standing in Mrs. Fink’s front yard,
But soon found out that he was plastic and his head was hard.
They searched in all the alley ways and scoured all the parks,
But they simply couldn’t find a gnome and it was getting dark.
So they headed home dejected and as they tromped across a bridge,
A Gnomish face appeared below to rise up like a ridge.
“You shall not pass” declared the gnome, “until you have paid the toll!”
“Hold up,” said Link, “I thought bridges were the homes of trolls,
What is a gnome doing down here using tolls to rob?”
The gnome replied, “I wouldn’t but I kind of lost my job.”
“How interesting” Link replied giving Tink a clever wink,
“We happen to have a job opening that must be filled this week.”
And soon between the two of them they convinced the gnome to take their place,
Then scampered off with thoughts of sun, each with a smile on their face.
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