Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Fairies, sprites, and wee folk
by wordsmithIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Fairies, sprites, and wee folk
The Tale of Lenny and Lanna
Lenny the fairy loved Lanna, the beautiful princess of sprites
But unfortunatly,
Their love could not be,
For their families were often in fights.
So Lenny the fairy decided, one day on a whim to fly by
And snatch Lanna Sprite
From her window by night
And take her to the forest nearby.
But Lanna the sprite loved not Lenny, she loved the fey prince in his stead.
So, unfortunatly
Lenny’s love could not be,
His heart broke and he was soon dead
Then Lenny turned into a flower, the most beautiful one in the land,
With a stem full of thorns
To make everything torn
And to prick those who’d pick in the hand
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