Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Janee on February 21, 2008
"I'm sorry - I know this was supposed to be a POEM, but I just couldn't get myself in the poetry mode this morning, so I wrote this as prose. I hope you'll all forgive me. :)
It says it took me twenty-something minutes to write this. Actually, the first fifteen minutes was spent trying to make it into a poem. Oh well..."
It says it took me twenty-something minutes to write this. Actually, the first fifteen minutes was spent trying to make it into a poem. Oh well..."
The Way We Used To Write
It seems so strange to me to remember those days gone by, when our writing was both formal and elegant - when we stopped to carefully consider each word that went on the page, because our pens had no 'undo' button and our ink had no 'cut and paste' function. Our writing then was filled fancy dips and whorls, and a few blotches where the pen hit the page unintentionally.There were no emoticons, and no faster-than-a-speeding-bullet communications. You could write to someone on the other side of the world for pennies, but they might not receive your letter until three months later.
Oddly, though our writing was more formal, it was also more intimate; each letter sent was a statement of caring, affection, and love - even before the recipient unsealed the envelope and removed its contents. Now communication, like everything else, is simply convenient. Rather than conveying affection, it conveys necessity. As the formality of our communication has decreased, so also has the intimacy.
And there on my desk sits the book of stamps I purchased last year. They are liberty bell stamps, and on them they say "FOREVER". I think that is how long they will last, for I only use them when I am paying bills.
And there's certainly no elegance or love in that.
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