Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
I’m honestly not quite sure how to say this. I really don’t want to hurt you, but I feel like I’m not being fair to you. You’ve expressed an interest in me and I feel like you should know that I’ve given this a lot of thought, but I just don’t feel the same way about you.I really feel terrible about this. You’ve always been there for me when I needed you, and we’ve spent so much time together over the years. You’ve been with me since I was two, all through my school years, and most recently, you helped me through the college classes I needed to earn my degree. You’d think that after all these years and all that you’ve done for me, my feelings for you would have changed. But no, I still feel nothing for you. Our relationship can’t even really be called a friendship. We’re more like… acquaintances. I know how much you’d like to be my friend, really I do. And yes, all of my other friends have encouraged me to get closer to you. They all love you. They think we would be great together. My father especially thinks we would do well together. He’s always liked you, but in my defense, he’s spent more time with you than I have. I realize all this, and yet, I just can’t change the way I feel about you.
Please don’t take this too hard. There are so many others out there who absolutely adore you. You’d be much better off with them. They love you like I never could. They aren’t satisfied unless they spend the majority of their day with you. Now that’s devotion. I could never spend that much time with you. Indeed, I try avidly to avoid you, though considering I work so closely with you, I very rarely succeed. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but I feel the truth must come out. Believe me when I say that it is with deepest regrets that I tell you that I can never love you, Mathematics.
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