Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The Barbarian Horde
by King ArthurIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: The Barbarian Horde

The following is a piece of writing submitted by King Arthur on April 13, 2008
"Back to the present..."
The Riven Gate
As one, the loathsome horde advancedWith coarse and vilest cries of hate,
While o'er their heads bright arrows coursed
In fiery paths both true and straight.
Upon the city gates they merged,
All drenched in blood's metallic scent,
'Tween angered cries upon the wall,
And deadly thud of arrows spent.
And though the horde, ten thousand strong,
Beat long and hard upon that port,
Its panels of unyielding oak
Lent hope to all within its fort.
So high atop the wide stone walls,
Defending soldiers peered beneath
With shields held high against the darts,
They jeered and laughed with swords unsheathed.
Laugh not, O foolish men within,
Count not your hopes in steel and wood,
For see their king maleficent,
Whom none on earth has e'er withstood.
Akrull, the god of nameless dread,
Whom none should even dare defy,
Tips back his brutish, scarréd head,
Shrieks long and loud a barking cry.
And now appears a strange machine,
Brought forth by man and mighty horse:
A ram with monstrous dragon face,
Conceived in fiery heathen forge.
The horde was parted by this beast,
And jeers turned silent in one breath,
As soldiers faced those flaming jaws
And saw in them remorseless death.
Three times the beast crashed at the gate,
Three times its booming echoes hung,
While deep inside the city's shrines
A desperate prayer was on each tongue.
Yet fate and death laugh at their words;
The beast once more brings forth its weight.
Weep now as splintered panels crack,
And pagans pass through riven gate.
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