Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Losing You, Missing You
by Sylvan SylphSeptember 20 is the birthday of a very dear friend of mine. When John and I first met we fought endlessly, but somewhere along the way we became extraordinary friends and fell in love. He had an amazing passion for life and taught me a great deal about not being afraid to embrace life. He passed away in a motorcycle accident when we were seventeen.
It's been a long road trying to move on. I'm happy to say I can finally see the miles I've walked on it stretching away behind me. Much of what I've written, and essentially who I have become, has been undeniably and unavoidably influenced by knowing him and by losing him. In honor of him and his birthday I'm going to be posting some of the pieces I've written about him over the years.
It's been a long road trying to move on. I'm happy to say I can finally see the miles I've walked on it stretching away behind me. Much of what I've written, and essentially who I have become, has been undeniably and unavoidably influenced by knowing him and by losing him. In honor of him and his birthday I'm going to be posting some of the pieces I've written about him over the years.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylvan Sylph on September 18, 2008
"Something I wrote on one of those peculiar days when it rains while the sun is out. It's not particularly well structured, but life was rather chaotic at the time and some of my writing reflects that.
What is important is that it reminded me, and reminds me, of the hope I have even in the face of death. "
What is important is that it reminded me, and reminds me, of the hope I have even in the face of death. "
For John
So this rain,Pouring down,
Falling to the ground,
Is my tears
For all the years
We'll never have together.
And the sun that shines
All the while
Is mine.
'Cause my smile
Is for forever,
The forever
That we'll be together.
The sea has fled, swept away in the night.I am left here to wonder at its flight.
Endless sands spread across the expanse;
With every whispering, they advance.
Where e're I look they stand;
As far as my eye can see.
I did not think such an empty land
Could ever come to be.
But it is no emptier than my life,
No more desolate than my heart.
For one has felt the pain of the knife,
And the other is torn apart.
My Love has fled, just as the sea.
Fled far, far from this land;
I know not what caused him to flee,
Leaving me here to stand.
He has fled to death's dark shore.
Here I'll see him nevermore.
He has taken all the ocean, all the sea.
Why could he not have taken me?
Why must I on this shore stay;
When all I wish is to flee away?
There is nothing left for me here,
Nothing that I hold so dear.
I cry out, with everything in me,
The ocean of sand echoes back to me,
I am left here, my love has gone.
I have no choice but to go on.
I turn away from the windswept sands.
I will return here nevermore.
I will search out some other land,
Seeking for another shore.
As I wander, I shall cry;
Until I've wept an ocean wide.
'Til every tear has turned dry
Or mixed itself into the brine.
Your smile was brilliant, shining so brightly from your darkly tanned face. You honeyed curls fell loosely across your forehead, carefully careless. Sea green eyes that verged on blue met mine in an unflinching gaze. I miss this. I miss you. You always made me want to smile in return. The sun shone brighter on you. You believed in me. I believed in you. The world was a better place with us together. Life was in our grasp. All we had to do was take one another's hand, and nothing could stop us. The sun would just keep shining, and the waves keep rolling in.But the storms clouds are gathering on the horizon. The thunder rolls in the distance. Lightning flashes. In a moment you are gone. My world goes dark. There is so much to remember, so much to forget.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylvan Sylph on September 22, 2008
"This is actually the lyrics to a song, that I doubt anyone will ever hear. :)"
September Moon
September moon lies overhead.I’m staring at the sky,
Where all our time went.
I don’t know how it happened,
But we have drifted on the paths that we followed.
I can feel you ripped away again.
Winter is dark and lonely.
It’s hard for me to see
Summer will come again.
I sit in the cold,
For you to come home,
And bring this pain to an end.
But I can feel you ripped away again.
June comes at last;
School ends.
I’m fighting the past,
With nothing to defend,
I could see your face again,
And that these tears would finally end.
But I don’t think that will happen,
'Cause I can feel you ripped away again.
I still hear the words my father said,
“He won’t be coming home again.”
They echo in my head,
Over and over;
I don’t think they will ever end.
I always feel you ripped away again.
As I stand by your grave,
Everything’s alive,
But you’re so far away.
Every moment of the day I can feel you;
I can feel you ripped away again.
September moon lies overhead.
I’m staring at the sky,
Where all our time went.
Early autumn breeze is chasing
The dead brittle leaves
That are falling.
And as I stand here,
I can hear myself calling,
Calling you;
But I can feel you ripped away again.
I stand here screaming.
My tears have dried,
But inside
I’m still bleeding.
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