Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylvan Sylph on September 14, 2008
"This was written while I was in college, sitting in Accounting, wishing I was just about anywhere else. I started daydreaming about my favorite time of day during my favorite time of year. These words kind of ran out of my pen onto a scrap of paper I'd been doodling on. "
Let Us Wander Down This Pathway
Let us wander down this pathwayIn the quickly gathering dusk.
We will mingle with the twilight,
As it sheds its daylight husk.
We’ll linger ‘neath the barren trees,
As we feel the cold wind blow.
Listen to leaves beneath our feet
As we wait for falling snow.
The night will whisper in our ears;
It will speak of things to come.
Breathless with anticipation,
Will we hear it speak of love?
The wind, it cools our heated brows,
Beckons us continue on.
We may pause here for a moment,
But we dare not linger long.
Lest endless longing of the night
Come to wrap us in its spell,
Never quick to loose its captives,
As those caught before can tell.
Let us wander down this pathway,
Here embrace the failing light;
But let us not linger long here,
Lest we not escape the charms of night.
-L. M. MacKillop
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