Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylvan Sylph on August 12, 2008
"These aren't exactly my thoughts. I've been feeling pretty worn out lately and these are the thoughts I imagined a character who was feeling a similar tiredness might be thinking. "
Mountains and Raindrops
"I'm tired," she thought, and exhaled her breath in a long sigh. "I'm tired, and I don't know why. How can simple existence leave someone so exhausted? I feel like a mountain slowly being worn away by the rain. It's not something anyone else will notice, only the mountain notices. No one else stays around long enough to see the change. Unless, of course, something vital is stripped away, and a landslide changes the whole face of the mountain. When the landslides come people are amazed at the suddenness of it all. The truth is it's rarely sudden. It's slow and gradual, the process of years of wear, one drop after another until it all lets go in a destructive mess. I don't want that to happen, not again, not after I've fought so hard for so long to overcome this tiredness. I'm stronger than a few drops of water or even a few thousand. I will find a way to overcome this insidious weariness that tries to take my happiness from me. I'll make the rain my ally. It will wash me clean; and I will shine in the sunlight, because in the end the sun will always come out from behind the clouds. The rain never lasts forever. I will embrace it as a dearly passing friend, and when the sunlight comes I will embrace it as a newly found lover."More writing by this author
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