Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylvan Sylph on July 5, 2008
"Something I wrote while in college after a walk across campus on an exceptionally warm November evening."
I walk the pathways in the dark--alone--enjoying for this moment the feel of the night air.The warmth of the day has dimmed to a tender chill. The breeze still carries a hint of the dying sun. I know soon it will again become a bitter cold, but for this moment I am content to embrace its gentle touch as it brushes past my face with a soft caress.
Voices echo across the water. Laughter rings out. I peer into the half-darkness, trying to make out who walks the night with me. Do I know them? Does it matter? No, not tonight. Tonight I walk alone and enjoy the peaceful quiet of my own company.
Is it strange to be friends with one's self? If it is, do I care? I don't think so. Life is simpler that way.
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