Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylvan Sylph on March 28, 2008
"I am naturally wide awake in the late hours of the evening, and there is something about the night that leads me to give up my usual taciturn nature and carry on long self-disclosing conversations. Sometimes I find people that seem to have the same effect on me, but they are few and far between. "
Whispers in the Night
How we whisper in the night,Words not spoken in the light.
How we weep on ancient scars,
‘Neath the brightly twinkling stars.
How we speak our silent fears
As the hour of dawning nears.
All the truths we will not say
In the violent light of day,
Pour forth to the gentle night,
Laid beneath her loving sight.
All our anguish, all our woes,
Given o’er to gain repose.
Will you be my loving night?
Gentle now your brilliant light?
Will you lend your listening ear
That I may forget my fear?
Will you hear the words I say;
Still not choose to turn away?
I will wander ‘neath the moon,
If you grant me this one boon.
I will dance beneath the stars,
With your help to tend these scars.
I ask not for guiding light,
Only whispers in the night.
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