Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sylvan Sylph on September 23, 2008
"How much of what we say in a day is intended to hide what we are really feeling? We are all so vulnerable, and we all want so badly not to be. "
Whispers of Agony
Frantically we search for understanding,Struggling to make our voices heard.
We shout. We scream. We cry.
Then, embarrassed at our display,
The outpouring of our desire,
We quickly turn away.
We hide our faces to mask our shame
Of our emptiness,
Of our need.
We pretend we never spoke,
And as the voices around us clamor—
Everyone striving for attention,
Shouting to drown the echo in their hearts—
We whisper our pain
And wonder that no one hears us...
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