Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
I cannot tell you what to do, who to be, or where to go.I could, but, in doing so, would leave you no better off than you find yourself now: trying to find an identity that has long eluded you in listening to the voice of others rather than your own.
I cannot give you answers to the questions about yourself you wish to settle. They are your questions, and the answers are yours also. The finding is in the seeking, not in the telling and being told. I can only caution that others will be happy to tell you they know the answers; but, sometimes, people wish to believe they know what they do not.
I cannot make you choose the right decision. I do not know which is right for you. I know which would be in keeping with myself, but you and I are not the same. I can only encourage you to learn about yourself and caution you from what I have learned about the world, in hopes that you can find a way to keep yourself from harm.
I cannot keep you from pain. I can only point out dangers and hope you need not walk through them to get where you are going. Sometimes learning only comes through pain.
I cannot walk this road for you. Your path is yours and mine is mine. Though they may entwine, we must each take our own steps. I can only remind myself that strength comes through struggle and have faith that you can find your way.
I cannot fix you. You must find the tools to fix yourself. I can only stand beside you and lend you strength to keep going while you heal.
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