Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The adventures of the Setequarl
by MathaxThis is a story of a different universe
The adventures of the Setequarl
This is a new universe that Doug said that I should write.The basic premise is exploration. Humans are the main life forms. Though I will
probably add more in as the story goes along. The main planetary craft is a
hovercraft. The main interplanetary craft is a craft called a grofvic it is in closed
but cannot leave the solar system without help. It has powerful engines but the
engines cannot be used in the atmosphere because it is harmful to it so they have
to use other engines in the atmosphere. The main interstellar craft (the one we
will be following) is a setequarl it can hold both of the hovercraft and the
grofvic. The crew compliment is about 560 with all of the Geological and science
officers. The amount require to run the ship is about 300 rather 150 the 300 is
so it can be running around the clock which is very necessary on a star ship.
They have replicators for the food and clothing. They do have a transporter but
it is very unstable so the grofvic is preferred. The weapons are two sets of
forward facing lasers and 1 set of rear facing lasers. It is armed with 50 nuclear
warheads, but those take a while to get up to the correct firing efficiency. This
ship has a shield rating of high.
The adventures of the Setequarl II
The adventures of the SetequarlWe meet the crew
This is the maiden voyage of the Setequarl. The crew is as follows:
The Captain is Richard,
The first officer is Joseph,
The Main Science officer is Rebecca,
The Geological officer is Glag,
The Helms man is Herington,
I would like to know if there is any one else that I should add.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mathax on December 14, 2007
"We run into our first new species "
The adventures of the Setequarl III
This is the maiden voyage of the Setequarl it’s mission is to go to the near by star system and map the planets and see if there are any that are suitable for human life.
“We are approaching the system now sir.” Said Herington.
“Good,” said Richard “tell Glag.”
“Sir sensors indicate three ships coming toward us.” Said Rebecca, “their weapons are powering up.”
“What,” said Richard “I thought that they scanned it and had found no Intelligent Life forms.” To Joseph “open a channel.”
“Open,” Said Joseph.
“This is Captain Richard of the Star ship Setequarl” Said Richard, “I assure you that our mission here is peaceful.”
“They are receiving us,” Said Joseph.
“They are firing,” Said Rebecca.
“This is enough, an attack without provocation!” said Richard, “Shields up.”
The adventures of the Setequarl IV
The adventures of the Setequarl part IV“Evasive maneuvers,” Said Captain Richard.
“They’re matching them and firing,” Said Rebecca.
“Weapon stasis?” Said Captain Richard.
“Lasers are at full power, the nuclear warheads are at 91% capacity.” Said Joseph.
“Fire all lasers at the starboard ship.” Said Captain Richard.
“Firing,” said Joseph. “they have sustained heavy damage.”
“Captain,” Said Rebecca, “I am reading a small vessel emerging from the Port ship. It is hailing us,” she added.
“Open a frequency,” Said Captain Richard.
“Open,” said Joseph.
“This is Captain Richard of the Star ship Setequarl” Said Captain Richard.
“Hello, I am Ambassador Vica, of the Sunokmar Empire.” Said the Person. “I am sorry that you are under attack, these are terrorists that have kidnapped me. They want war. This has been a issue that has been in our government for months, So the Terrorists decided to act and by kidnapping me they were going to use me as leverage to start a war.”
“So what went wrong?” Asked Captain Richard.
The adventures of the Setequarl V
The adventures of the Setequarl V“You,” Said Vica, “You were not suppose to show up yet.”
“So are you glad that we did?” asked Captain Richard.
“Yes,” Said Vica.
“Nuclear Warheads at 100%,” Said Joseph.
“Tractor beams,” Said Captain Richard, “bring Him in.”
“Got him,” Said Rebecca, “grofvic Bay two prepare to receive a craft.”
“Rebecca, Go escort him up here,” Said Captain Richard.
“Yes sir,” Said Rebecca.
“Captain should I fire?” Asked Joseph.
“No, not yet.” Said Captain Richard, “Zoom in on sector 2342.3 by 987. What is that?”
“It would appear to be more ships,” Said Herington.
The adventures of the Setequarl VI
The adventures of the Setequarl VI“Prepare to fire on my mark,” said Captain Richard.
“Wait,” Said Vica, “Open a channel with the new ships.”
“Open,” said Joseph.
“This is Ambassador Vica, I am alive and well on the ship that is under attack,” Said Vica.
“This is Captain Sunca, of the star ship Vinaver, Could we be of assistance?” came the Reply.
“Yes, Said Vica, “the terrorists that kidnapped me are on the other ships.”
“Okay,” said Sunca, “open fire.”
“Stay back,” warned Captain Richard, “Fire Nuclear Warheads.”
“Firing,” said Joseph “The one that we hit earlier is destroyed with another one. The one that the Ambassador didn’t come out of.”
“How long before we can fire again?” Asked Captain Richard.
“5 minutes,” answered Joseph.
“Prepare to fire lasers,” Said Captain Richard.
“Lasers only at 50%,” said Joseph.
“No need,” Said Vica, “look.”
The ship that had appeared had destroyed the last terrorist ship.
Captain Sunca appeared on the screen, “I are now going to escort you to my home world.”
The adventures of the Setequarl VII
"Ok," said Captain Richard, to Ambassador Vica, "Do you know Him?""Yes," Said Vica, "I do, He is the most respected star ship captain in this solar system."
"So," Said Richard, "It would be fine to go with him?"
"Yes," Said Vica.
"Herington," Said Richard, "Lay in a parellel course of the ship that is out there."
"Yes sir," Said Herington.
"Damage reports," Said Richard, "any casualties?"
"None yet," Said Joseph, "but SHIELDS UP."
"Why," said Richard?
"Look up," Said Joseph.
The Adventures of the Setequarl VIII
"Now what," Said Captain Richard."Two ships coming in," Said Joesph, "on the screen now."
"These ships are not from my planet," Said Vica, "in fact I have never seen the likes of them before."
"Well in that case," Said Richard, "Lower Shields and open a channel, This is Captain Richard of the Star Ship Setequarl."
"This is Commander JQUXAZ, of the Star Ship JAZZQU," Said JQUXAZ.
He spoke both his name and his star ship with a very weird Accent.
"We have come in peace," Said JQUXAZ, "Do you have a place which you would like us to meet you?"
"Yes," said Vica, "Please follow us."

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mathax on January 16, 2008
"This is a random piece I dicied to write about the Setequarl and the first writing prompt."
Captain Richard Gets stuck on his ship.
On the day the elevator got stuck on the 37th floor, Aweon's life was forever changed. but for better or for worse she did not know. Because who would be in the elevator but Captain Richard."Oh on," Aweon said, as the elevator slowed to a stop, Her eye went to the botton that said where they were, "Just between the 36th and 37th floors captain, we can't get out with out getting it fixed."
"Rebecca," said Richard, "are you reading any elevator breaks any where?"
"No," said Rebecca, "wait, I have one coming in now, elevator green."
"That is the one I am in," Said Richard, "You need to get it fixed." To Aweon, "what is your name?"
"Aweon sir," Said Aweon.
"Well Aweon, it looks like we will be here for a while. Is this your first assiment?" Said Richard.
"Yes sir," she said.
"Well welcome to space, and a life of adventure." Said Richard.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mathax on January 22, 2008
"There are negotiations."
The Adventures of the Setequarl IX
They have arrived on the planet, Just in time to stop a search party from going up to find Vica. There has been a lot of discussion about treaties and trade when Captain Richard stands up.“I have just got a message,” He said, “my planet has another ship entering the system, and apparently there is an ambassador on it. As much as I would like to continue this discussion, I am not a trained ambassador and I am not authorized to sign any treaty.”
Later on the ship.
“Requesting permission to come aboard,” Said Vica.
“Permission granted,” Said Richard, “how did the talk go?”
“Well,” said Vica, “It has been decided that we are going to form an alliance and the ships will be for exploration, and I am going to be assigned on this ship.”
“Excellent,” Said Richard, “I could use an ambassador like you.”
“I also have orders from the council,” Said Vica, “We are to go to JQUXAZ’s home world, we will receive further orders when we get there. We are to follow him.”

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mathax on January 31, 2008
"This one is a lot of talking"
The Adventures of the Setequarl X
Captain Richard, Joesph, and Rebeeca, are in the officers mess."You know," Said Captain Richard, "we have had a very busy time since we left home."
"Yeah, I know," Replied Joesph, "Let's see, we were attacked, saved Vica's life, Had first contact with 2 different Spiccies, had negotiations."
"I would like a definition of a 'normal' day,'' Said Rebeeca, "We have not had one yet, I think."
"Well what more would you want," joked Richard, "I mean we have had a lot of work isn't that whet our job is?"
"Well," Said Rebeeca, "I suppose it is,"
"I just remember someone we really need," yelled Joesph, "a doctor, we left port with out one."
"You are right," said Richard, "I will dispatch a message to earth to ask for one."
He left.
"I'd better be going," Said Joesph.
"Why," Asked Rebeeca, "Are you not comfortable being here with me alone?"
"Not entirely," Said Joesph.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mathax on February 6, 2008
"I will use this in my story."
A Little Fantasy, JQUXAZ
JQUXAZ is a member of the race ZAUX. The race has 6 arms and hands. They have 360 degree sight, this gives them an advantage over most of the rest of the people. They are also really tall. They have treads for movement. They have no hair. They need additives to breathe our air, tho we can breathe their air. Their ships reflect their bodies, the arms of their ships are their guns. The bridge is at the head. The engines are at the treads.The Adventures of the Setequarl XI
I have not had much inspiration on this but I will give it a try."I have been thinking," Said Joesph to Captain Richard, "and am wondering what you think about the ZAUX?''
"They are different alright." Said Richard, "but I do not know them well enough to know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. They do have a very technical advancement."
"Yes, they do, but they are also different. If we were to take one of them aboard then we need to also get one of their doctors."
"A good idea, once we get ours then they could teach each other the different types of physiology. I think it would be a good idea to do that with a lot of different people. That way we could learn from one another better. I will include that in my next report."
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