Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The adventures of the Setequarl
by MathaxIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: The adventures of the Setequarl
The Adventures of the Setequarl VIII
"Now what," Said Captain Richard."Two ships coming in," Said Joesph, "on the screen now."
"These ships are not from my planet," Said Vica, "in fact I have never seen the likes of them before."
"Well in that case," Said Richard, "Lower Shields and open a channel, This is Captain Richard of the Star Ship Setequarl."
"This is Commander JQUXAZ, of the Star Ship JAZZQU," Said JQUXAZ.
He spoke both his name and his star ship with a very weird Accent.
"We have come in peace," Said JQUXAZ, "Do you have a place which you would like us to meet you?"
"Yes," said Vica, "Please follow us."
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