Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The adventures of the Setequarl
by MathaxIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: The adventures of the Setequarl

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mathax on January 22, 2008
"There are negotiations."
The Adventures of the Setequarl IX
They have arrived on the planet, Just in time to stop a search party from going up to find Vica. There has been a lot of discussion about treaties and trade when Captain Richard stands up.“I have just got a message,” He said, “my planet has another ship entering the system, and apparently there is an ambassador on it. As much as I would like to continue this discussion, I am not a trained ambassador and I am not authorized to sign any treaty.”
Later on the ship.
“Requesting permission to come aboard,” Said Vica.
“Permission granted,” Said Richard, “how did the talk go?”
“Well,” said Vica, “It has been decided that we are going to form an alliance and the ships will be for exploration, and I am going to be assigned on this ship.”
“Excellent,” Said Richard, “I could use an ambassador like you.”
“I also have orders from the council,” Said Vica, “We are to go to JQUXAZ’s home world, we will receive further orders when we get there. We are to follow him.”
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