Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Mathax on April 27, 2009
"I have spent a bit of time getting this written. I hope to write more stuff in the future."
The Three Musketeer's Book Review
The book The Three Musketeers was written in France in the mid 1800’s. The main characters are four friends named D’Artangnan, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Each of the 4 companions has a servant that is entirely devoted to them. The servants are quite helpful when traveling since people are trying to kill the companions. The servants fight with muskets and pistols. The four companions fight with swords and pistols. We get D’Artagnan’s story in the first 2 chapters of the book. His lifelong ambition is to join the Musketeers. There is almost no background given behind the other three companions until most of the way through the book, so I won’t spoil the surprise for you by telling you about them.The Musketeers are a group of elite warriors in France. In order to get into the Musketeers you needed to have spent at least 2 years in a different branch of the military and demonstrate considerable skill or to have accomplished some extraordinary deed for the King.
How the Three Musketeers meet D’Artagnan is this: D’Artagnan was having a meeting with the head of the Musketeers at Musketeer headquarters. He sees his nemesis out the window and runs down to the street to find him. However before he can find him he is “rude” in turn to Athos, Porthos, and Aramis and they each challenge them to a duel: one at 12 o’clock, one at 1 o’clock and one at 2 o’clock. With Athos first in line for the duel, he brings Porthos and Aramis has his extras. Before they could fight 5 of the Cardinals guards run across them and those 9 get into a fight with the 4 new friends winning. They get into quite a lot of adventures in the book including going to England.
An unknown man for the first three quarters of the book is someone D’Artagnan thinks is his enemy. D’Artagnan thinks he stole a scroll from D’Artagnan that D’Artagnan’s father wrote to the head of the Musketeers. The unknown man’s name is Rochefort. Rochefort keeps showing up and distracting D’Artagnan.
A questionable element in the book is the Cardinal, he spends quite a bit of time trying to keep France up and running. The King spends most of his time trying out new games and going hunting. The King is married to the princess of Spain and she isn’t too happy about it.
The Cardinal is the head religious figure in France at this time. The Musketeers and the Cardinal’s guards don’t get along. The Cardinal is trying to get the throne from the King. So the guards are always fighting in the streets and trying to arrest each other and sometimes other people get involved.
At the time of the book, France is besieging the last castle allied with England on the coast of France. Halfway through the book the King and Cardinal go to the castle with lots of reinforcements. The four friends have an interesting time there and win a few bets with their battle prowess. It is here that the Cardinal has D’Artagnan moved from the guards to the Musketeers. The four friends don’t get to finish the siege however because they are assigned to the king’s party to accompany him back to Paris.
I recommend that before someone reads this have a lot of time on your hands. One of the things that I didn’t like about the book is that they didn’t make it for all ages. It has some inappropriate behavior between the Musketeers and several married women.
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