Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Mount Everest's Secret
I can't believe my eyes. I spent the whole week climbing Mount Everest, and I thought I would never actually arrive at the summit. But here I am, and I can't believe my eyes.I wasn't holding out much hope for great views; I knew we were pretty much in the clouds, and clouds was all I was going to see. But what I wasn't expecting was the gift shop.
What kind of moron puts a gift shop at the top of Mount Everest? I mean, you're one of only a handful of people in the world who made it to the summit alive, and you've brought a credit card with you so you can purchase a "I survived Mount Everest" bumper sticker?
Not to mention the fact that you don't even know if you'll survive the climb back down, so you might have made your purchase for nothing!
But, there's nothing else to do up here, and I thought maybe the gift shop is heated, so I went inside. Bumper stickers, coffee mugs, t-shirts (complete with the advice that it's not t-shirt weather at the summit of Everest), shot glasses, calendars, and even stuffed abominable snowmen.
It's true, I thought, the final frontier has finally been commercialized; there's no where to go now but the moon
Fortunately, I'd brought my credit card with me; those snowmen are going to make great gifts for the kids.
As long as I can make it back down with all the added weight.
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