Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by peekaboo28 on February 27, 2011
"I wrote this as a English assignment..
Sometimes its good to just sit back and remember the times that you try and hide."
Sometimes its good to just sit back and remember the times that you try and hide."
Black and Yellow
When I look around and see where I’ve come from, I smile. My memories are cloudy in some areas but I can remind myself of most all of it. I grew up in a small town. On the population signs it says 5,000, but I think it grew a little. I had a rough time through my Elementary and Middle school years. I was always the outcast, the kid that didn’t have many friends. I grew up around horses and adults, which I hated when I was a kid because I always wanted a brother or a sister or just someone to talk to. But as a high schooler, I can see it just made me more mature at such a young age and I’m pretty happy for that.Throughout sixth grade I was made fun of but tried to fit in by getting a ‘boyfriend’. I say it like that because I mean we were in 6th grade, there’s not much you can do at that age. It wasn’t until I was 11 that I transferred schools and moved to Guajome. I liked it at first because I was new, no old rumors pulling at my sleeve. Just me myself and I. I had a lot of friends; I was called popular, which I had never been labeled as before. My friends and I fought a lot, mostly about boys or rumors, and it was still hard for me to fit it, I was falling in and out of relationships and the people I hung out with where kind of preppy which I hated.
By the time 8th grade rolled along, I wasn’t that little girl you used to see. I had converted to a new type of person. A prep to sum it up, and, don’t forget a drama queen. That’s basically what I lived off of. Rumors, that is what I came to be and at the time that’s what everybody else was doing, so I was okay with it. I got a boyfriend a few weeks after school started, and we were on and off (mostly on) for the whole year. Over summer I started changing again. My parents started looking at houses and my mind swirled. It was at that moment I knew life was short and that I couldn’t waste a minute of it. By the end of summer I had no friends, no boyfriend and a broken heart. My friends saw the change and broke up my friendship with them. I dumped my boyfriend because there was no possible way that he still felt the same about me and I was lost in my own body. Wow. What a great way to start high school.
I still remember how I felt walking into those gates not knowing where I was going to be in the next few weeks. I was so scared and tried not to think of all the bad things that I was sure of happening. I remember walking into all of my classes worrying where I was going to sit. 2 weeks into school I found some new friends and life was good. Well it was good until rumorville started up on what it does best; Rumors flying everywhere. No matter where I went they wouldn’t stop. Once my new friends budded up with my old friends I spent lunch in the bathroom for a good week and a half. Once I got the courage to walk away from what people were saying and be myself was when life started to change. I walked alone for an awhile, eating with random people and just enjoying life. I got together with a guy and slowly the old me seeped back. The sad, depressed always wearing black girl was gone and the fun-loving happy girl was coming back into play. Sad to say but all that only lasted for a month at the most until I broke it off with the guy and I was back to roaming around at lunch trying to spare my time. And believe ME, 45 minute lunches were long when you don’t have anything to do and nowhere to go. It’s terribly depressing.
About a week after all of that my friend from Spanish invited me to eat lunch with him and his friends. It was awkward at first because I didn’t know anyone and they were all so much older than me. But after a day I felt like family. Since they were all older and didn’t really care about drama or what other people were doing I had the most fun in a long time. This was a fresh start with friends and there was no way I was going to mess it up.
After a month of hanging out with my new friends some of them had moved on to hang out with other people but new people started coming in too, and that made it even better. I started to like a guy and eventually we started dating, and I knew from that moment forward that no matter what my past looked like, the present is what really matters. Now, I have wonderful friends to die for, a boyfriend that makes my day, and a life that means the most.
So, ending with that, whats there to not smile about?
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