Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by
peekaboo28 on February 20, 2011
I remember the day clearly. I was running, far and hard. I was searching for something, a source of direction. It was only a matter of time until you were completely gone. Every time I looked up I saw a confused face look down at me and ask me a question, but I couldn’t answer. It felt like my lips were sewn shut and the power to my brain gone. I felt fear and the uncontrollable butterflies trapped in my stomach. I looked up at the person again and I ran. I ran until I could feel the pavement seep into my shoes. I looked to my left and I saw the ocean; the beautiful waves crashing down of the tiny pebbled tan sand. They almost seemed to be screaming at me. Yelling to run more. Run MORE. I looked down, for the first time since my mission and I saw a flower. It was one of those yellow kinds, the yellow as bright as the sun. I looked up and I saw a million faces. All different types. Old, young, and then there was yours. It was never quite clear to me how I could never find you faster that day. Your happy personality sending people for a double-take. But then it was a clear as likely as not, you were there waiting. Waiting for who, or what? I will never know. All I will ever know, is that you are finally mine.

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