Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Just so you know
Just to let you knowI'm hurt
I'm damaged
And I'm angered.
I'm frustrated, and right now, quite honestly, i'm really pissed off
I really want to talk to you
But you keep shying away, like a untamed horse
You bug me.
A lot.
But yet we never talk
I want to talk, I really do.
Why are we in the position we are in now?
How did we get here?
Oh, that's right.
I remember the night.
Cloudy, starry, and chilly.
I went to get the basketball from behind the building and you busted out of nowhere spilling out your heart in front of me.
I thought it was a joke.
I chuckled slightly and looked back up at you
Thats when I knew you weren't kidding.
You're eyes sealed the deal
I remember walking back and just thinking to myself
'Damn it, did he really just say that??'
You did, and I realized I was in a pickle.
I didn't even know what to say
I didn't even know what to do
Sort of like now.
I don't even know what to do.
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