Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Through the Years
Some things in life won't ever changeSometimes in life it's like a moving game
What people say or what people do
Can have no effect unless you want it to
As a little girl I had no choice
I was to stay at home and have no voice
All that voice built up one day
And all my troubles blew away
I was 10 years old at the time
Didn't want my life but I didn't whine
People would say I had so much ahead of me
I didn't do much, but I wanted to believe
Believe in hope and believe the pain
Believe that some time in my life I could not be ashamed
And so I set out for that dream of mine
And still to this day i try and try
No one seems to understand
The way I go about my plan
But one day they will see
That there is a different side of me
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