Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Moving Forward -- Closure.
Dear You,I feel like the last week and a half I've been living underwater. I haven't been aware of my surroundings or the fact that you decided to walk out of my life, once again.
It's disappointing, really. Because we both know I didn't change to extraordinarily from the prior month where you "couldn't wait to see me." In one way you are right though. I have changed.
I am no longer the girl that will write a post about how you broke me.
I am no longer the girl that will call you every week just to try and fix things.
I am no longer the girl that will cry herself to sleep wondering why you left.
I am no longer the girl who doesn't know her self worth.
I do know my self worth, and I know I have extraordinary opportunities in my future. I was born for success and I am so hungry for it. I will achieve it, I will prove you wrong.
I am so sorry things had to end like this, because when it came down to it, it was always you. Every. Single. Time.
Since you decided to walk away, goodbye for the last time, sunshine. You've made it apparent that you will always be my first love, but you will no longer be my last.
With much love and no regret-
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