Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Hikers Brave and Free
Long before the sun arose,Before the rooster crowed,
My friends and I were out the door,
We'd packed our packs and hit the road.
Our quest today: to reach the heights
Of Dudley's towering peak,
The experts say that this is not a task
For the faint of heart or weak.
But we were brave, and we were strong -
And we could conquer anything,
So we started out along the trail,
And with voices loud began to sing:
Singing Tra la la, tra la lee
We are hikers brave and free
Singing Tra la la, tra la loo
We'll climb the whole day through
(If we could croon like Elvis,
We'd sing this song between each verse.
But we know we sound like tortured cats,
Which makes this poem even worse!)
All morning long we climbed and climbed
How our tired muscles ached!
Our throats were dry, our brows were wet,
Our knees and elbows scraped.
After many hours of wretched pain,
We reached the mountain peak
And to our shock and horror saw
A sight that made us shriek
For there we saw, to our dismay
A parking lot of fresh, smooth tar.
And now we wonder why we hiked
And didn't drive a car!
Singing Tra la la, tra la lor
We are hikers tired and sore
Singing Tra la la, tra la luss
The next time we will take the bus!
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