Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by Rabbit Stu on October 13, 2007
"It was pointed out to me today that I don't know how to spell rhinonceros (rhinoceros). I'd like to blame that on my school, but I guess I can't. :) "
Peepul Axe Me If I Liek Skool
Peepul axe me if i liek skool;And I sai I do, withowt a dowt.
But I confes that as a genral rool,
All my teechers long to herl me owt.
Cant multipli oar ad to sav my scin;
I tri my best but alwais fayl.
And wen I tri to spel, too my shagrin,
My teechers weap and tern kwite pail.
Histry, muzic, langwage arts -
They maik me tierd and hert my hed.
Stil i luv eech clas with al my hart;
Beets being boared at hoam insted.
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