Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Today I Wish...
by Rabbit StuIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Today I Wish...
Today I Wish That I Was an Ant
Today I wish that I was an antAn ant, though small, never says “I can’t”.
His strength of limb is incredibly great,
He carries a load ten times his own weight.
It sometimes may seem that his life’s just routine,
But his colony’s like a well oiled machine
With drones and workers and queen (but no king!)
He’s like a wasp or a bee, but without any sting.
Now I do need to weigh both the pro and the con,
Of joining that species that lives in my lawn
What makes me most leery of joining the ants
Is those absurdly ridiculous six-legged pants.
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