Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Rabbit Stu on December 31, 2008
"Another poem about contentment"
I Resolve to Be Content
I have resolved to live a life content,Quite satisfied with only what I have;
I will not whine, nor will I e'er lament,
But face each disappointment with a laugh.
For life is measured not in what I've gained,
Nor in the feeble hope for wealth and gold;
Such hungers, like the links within a chain
Around my wrists and ankles firmly hold.
No, I shall count with care my every joy,
And every simple blessing I've received;
No discontent nor envy shall alloy
This wondrous happiness I have achieved.
My sonnet's done; on graceful wings it soars.
I hope it gets a lot more stars than yours.
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