Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on September 15, 2008
"We can't all do what we want for work but we can do what we want for 'vacation'"
Dream Vacation
I am living my dream vacation. Having just retired last July I have been on 'vacation' ever since and let me tell you it is great. I have worked steady for fourty seven years and just never realized about the other things in life. But now I have the chance to try and catch up on all the things I never had time to do. I have been doing a lot of writing now and I never new how enjoyable it is. Seeing old friends and catching up on each other's history is very rewarding. I still have a routine that I go through everyday, I guess I still need some order in my life. But I still believe everyday begins a new adventure and am eager to start. I guess the funny thing was that for years I was afraid of what I was going to do after retirement and now that I am retired I don't know how I had time for work. What I am trying to say don't think of it as retirement think of it as permanent vacation and enjoy it.More writing by this author
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