Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on December 28, 2008
"Even if we don't succeed resolutions make better people"
New Year's Resolutions
Isn't it strange what creatures of habit we all are. Every New Year we all make resolutions that will improve our lives, and if we reflect on last years resolutions, most have not yet been accomplished. All in all this is still not a bad tradition, even unaccomplished goals are still goals. It is this drive to improve ourselves that makes great people great and yet it is the desire to improve with no results that make the rest of us.The changing of the year is a strange time for most of us. We want to think ahead to a brand new year with new possibilities, yet every media we look at is telling us of what has transpired during the current year. We all say same thing, 'Oh yeah I forgot so and so died' or 'That was a terrible train wreck'.
So I can only say as we look back to a dismal year we need optimism in the coming year just to be able to keep going. So I am making New Years resolutions again this year, and if they don't succeed will there is always 2010.
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