Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Snowflake Called to Duty
It's amazing how fast you can be promoted in the weather business. Why just last week I was a lowly raindrop and today I have been promoted to snowflake. I can hardly wait to be called to duty; I am hoping to be in a full-blown storm. However I do know my responsibilities and will serve with honor even if it just in a snow flurry.You may not know this but we snowflakes get only one chance to do our duty. Oh, no do overs for us, we only get one fast free fall and then it is all over. It's still better than the poor raindrops, one fall one splash and then they are no more. At least we snowflakes get to sit on the ground for a while, and if we are lucky enough to land on a mountaintop, we might last for months.
I hear the final bugle; they are calling us to storm. I can see already, this is no flurry, look how many of us are lining up. I know that I am unique there is no one like me in the world and yet as I look amongst us I can see we all have the same goal Of course, I am nervous but I'm excited too, I have been waiting my whole life for this. I will not fail I shall do honor to our squad. OK here we go,
As I gently float down to earth, I realize I never knew I could feel so free. I don't want to land I want to stay afloat forever, yet I shall do my duty for the good of my squad. As I look down I can finally see my target range, it is coming closer and closer. My target is coming into focus, it's, it's a young boy. Why is he just standing there with is mouth open, oh no he is going to catch...
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