Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on September 9, 2008
"These days we take what ever we can get from our super heros"
The Friend of Man
Welcome to the future, where I have become one of the many new Super Heros.My name is "Friend of Man". I do many good deeds but my super power is my ability to listen. When you talk to me I hear your plite. I understand your pain and although I am unable to do anything about your pain just for you to know I listen helps you and all of man kind. You may think this is just a silly little super power but I say nay. Who else has my ability? Do you think anyone listens to you? Only the Friend of Man the one, the only super hero who hears faster than a speeding text message, hears over tall bulidings and while unable to fly still rushs to your side when he feels your pain. So remember my friends I am out there and never fear for the Friend of Man is here.
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