Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on November 15, 2009
"In LA it rains so seldom that when it does people forget what to do and there's crashes all over the highways"
A Poem to Driving in the Rain
Wip wop wip wop the windshield wipers say as they try to talkI hear them speak I hear them well, 'we'll do our job to help you see'
They do their best I have to say, and if they did failed I'd have to walk
I hold the wheel at ten and two for we all see, safe driving's the key
And if by chance you see me spinning, round and round upon the road
I'll tell you up front I did my best and if you will, just hear my plea
I blame the rain and not myself and yet, what if my driving I had slowed
The car might have stopped while on the road instead of sliding into that tree
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