Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on August 16, 2009
"Even my teens enjoyed the day."
A Trip to the Zoo
Well here we are at the end of a challenging summer, where I found using the prompts of the letters N though Z difficult yet rewarding. I sit here staring at the 'Fifteen Minutes' time clock blinking back at me as it has done so many times before this summer, all the while thinking the letter Z does not leave many choices. While I ponder on how many people, places, or things starting with Z that I know, one jumps into my head with a thud.Z is for zoo, one of my all time favorite parks to visit, in fact just last month I had a chance to visit the Los Angeles Zoo with my daughter and three of my grand kids. Let me say up front that the LA Zoo is not world famous, not even the best in California and in fact I believe it is more infamous than famous. I am not here to go into the failings of our zoo, no, I want to talk about how much we all enjoyed out visit with all the animals.
Actually, the zoo being smaller than others such as the one located in San Diego makes for a more enjoyable day. Its size is about right for visiting by walking around instead of taking a tour bus. There is no way to see the San Diego Zoo by foot; it's just too large. You have to take a tour bus that stops where it wants to stop not where you decide to stop. You can take the tour in LA also if you like but I like to take the footpaths stopping to enjoy whatever suits me. Our little band consisting of a near two year old, two teenagers, a thirty something mom and one grandfather make for an eclectic group. Everyone had a favorite animal that they just had to see and we managed to see them all. Somehow, we stayed together and we all had a good time.
I understand that many people are anti-zoo, feeling that we are unjustly locking up animals just for our viewing pleasure and I can agree with that. On the other hand, most zoos are now into animal conservation and helping species that are nearing extinction survive. I also feel the LA Zoo is educating its many visitors on caring for our fragile Eco systems.
So to everyone, enjoy the rest of your summer, I know I am and if you get the chance, go visit your local zoo. Just don't tease the monkeys.
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