Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on July 26, 2009
"We really are what we do"
Alphabet Soup - Work
It seems strange to me that as we acquire employment we become what we work at. A person not only starts teaching he becomes a teacher, same as a person who builds becomes a carpenter. When we first meet someone, we ask him or her, "What do you do?" We do this so we can put them into a category or a place to recognize their accomplishments. I remember once we thought a homemaker as a person who did not work and yet it is obvious that a homemaker's work is never done.During my life, I always sought the work that paid me the most money; I never worried about whether it was a satisfying career and I never gave a thought to whether I was making the world a better place or not. It is only now that I am retired that I look back at the work I have done in my lifetime and wonder what I have done in my life to make the world a better place. Now I'm a retired worker trying to make up for a lifetime of working with my head in the sand. Today I have the time to do some volunteer work and have found it very satisfying.
In conclusion, I ask you people just starting out in the work force look for work, that not only satisfies your wallet but enriches your soul. It is OK if you need to take an unrewarding job because of money worries just don't let yourself get comfortable with it. You cannot believe how easy a temporary job can becomes a career. You are what you do so do something that will make you proud.
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