Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on January 4, 2009
"I enjoyed this move and I am glad for the chance to review it."
Movie Review for Mamma Mia
The first thing you must know about the movie 'Mamma Mia" is that you need to be a fan of the Swedish group 'ABBA' to really enjoy this film. After saying this, I have to admit I loved Mamma Mia. It is a close rendition of the play set in the Greek Isles, which makes a beautiful background.It has a story line, which merely sets the stage for the music numbers, yet the story is cute and plausible. Sophie is soon to be married and wants her father to give her away, just as all brides wish. The snag being she has never met her father and her mother, Donna will not speak about Sophie's father. A month before the wedding Sophie Discover's Donnas' diary and soon finds out that her mother's wild youth in the 60's gives her a choice of three possible men as her father. In desperation, the bride to be without telling her mother sends out invitations to all three men in hope of finding out her true father.
The wedding is to be held in Donnas' small hotel on an idyllic Greek island. To add to the fun Donna has invited her two best friends from the 60's. It is twenty-four hours of chaos, fun and of course, lots of music. It is a delightful musical and all of the actors do their part to make it totally enjoyable. Be sure and stay for the finally as this might be the best scene for all the ABBA lovers out there
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