Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by R. Wesley Lovil on February 16, 2009
"What would the Earth look like today if Cro Magon had survived "
Pep Talk Grab-Bag The Last of the Cro Magons
I stand before you today to tell you we are the last of our species. This will not be a pep talk, no the time for that is past. This is a tale of dire straits for our home land, Mother Earth who's prospects are not good. I am afraid as we die out we leave Mother Earth in the hands of the chunky people. They may be our distant cousins but I tell you now the humans are not like us, they do not love Mother Earth and care not what happens to her. I feel bad that we will be gone but I feel worst for our home which will be overrun by a uncaring life from, which will kill our Mother with no remorse.More writing by this author
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